Do Dead Bodies Sit Up? How to Write Accurately About Death and Funerals
A Talk by Louise Pachella (Founder, His & Hearse Press)
About this Talk
In this interview, Tara R. Alemany engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Louise Pachella, a licensed funeral director turned writer and educator. Louise's unique journey from the world of mortuary science to the realm of writing brings a fresh perspective to the complexities of death and funerals. Join us for a candid exploration as we delve into the heart of accurately portraying these topics in our writing.
Discover the significance of getting terminology and details right, especially for authors tackling these sensitive subjects. Learn how these accurate depictions not only enhance the depth of storytelling but also infuse authenticity into narratives.
Learn how to navigate common misconceptions and frequently misunderstood terms in writing. Explore the roles involved in death and funerals, break down outdated tropes, and uncover newer trends as well. Discover how to weave sensory details into your writing to make mortuary processes come alive, and gain insights on incorporating culture and religion authentically.
Whether you're a seasoned author or new to the world of publishing, this conversation promises valuable takeaways as you seek to craft engaging stories that authentically depict the nuances of death and funerals.